Social Distancing vs. Social Isolation Self-helpPsychology May 23 Written By Kristin Kopacz A brief and timely podcast on the difference between the social distancing we are being asked to use and social isolation that can lead to worsening mental health. Away from others but not alone. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THE PODCAST COVID-19Social Isolationlonelysocialisolationisolateddistancingsocial distancingvideo chattext Kristin Kopacz
Social Distancing vs. Social Isolation Self-helpPsychology May 23 Written By Kristin Kopacz A brief and timely podcast on the difference between the social distancing we are being asked to use and social isolation that can lead to worsening mental health. Away from others but not alone. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THE PODCAST COVID-19Social Isolationlonelysocialisolationisolateddistancingsocial distancingvideo chattext Kristin Kopacz